Problem Gambling Severity Index

If you think you may have a problem with gambling then you can complete this screening tool. It only takes a few minutes to complete and we don’t hold or store any of the data.

Thinking about the last week (if in weekly counselling) or the last year (if in your initial assessment session):

Please tick the appropriate boxes according to the key below:

{{ question.text }}
Quiz finished

You score: {{ total() }}

Here are the explanations of the scores:
Definition: Probable life consequences:
High-risk gambler
A person scoring in this range may be gambling dependent and is experiencing a substantial level of gambling related problems.
Moderate-risk gambler
A person scoring in this range will already be experiencing some problem related to their gambling.
Low-risk gambler
Experienced one or two minor problems related to their gambling.
Non-problem gambler
Experienced no problems in the last year

The PGSI score shows whether a person's gambling should be considered a problem. High scores usually mean serious problems. The chart above is in the shape of a pyramid to show that there are more people with low scores than high scores.