Donating to Independence

Independence is a charity that provides services to users, their families and affected others, in relation to gambling, alcohol, and substance use.

Whilst we do receive funding from the States of Guernsey for certain contracted services, we still rely on donations from business, large funding bodies and the general public.

This enables us to continue to provide services that are evidence based, delivered by staff that demonstrate they follow best practice, receive the most appropriate and credible training, and maintain professional standards.

Naturally, this comes with a price tag, and we are grateful for all donations, so that we can continue to provide you with a service that matters to you.

The options for donating to Independence are as follows:

·      Cheque made payable to Independence,

·      Our SumUp donation page or

·      By bank transfer

Please see below our bank details:

Lloyds Bank


SC. 30-93-73

A/C. 00790304

If you're paying by bank transfer, please set the reference to "Donation".

Thank you very much for financially supporting our work. If you would like us to thank you directly, please email confirming how you donated and the amount.